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To take part in any of the carnivals you must be a paid-up member for the current season; and hold a current S Badge for the water activities.

A parent from each family is expected to be rostered on throughout the carnival season.

OFFICIAL - We ask that all the parents supply 1 official per family to be rostered on at carnivals (this is not an LSV requirement - we ask this as Mornington LSC due to the numbers that attend each carnival and the huge roster we are allocated).

We will help you with the Official Accreditation process so if you don't know all the rules - please don't panic. There is a one-on-one at a carnival to show you what to do. This could be as simple as handing out ribbons or being a Marshall.

WATER SAFETY - You can also be a bronze medallion holder or IRB driver or crew.

Courses run throughout the year to help get you qualified. Please keep an eye on the Facebook/Team app page for new dates.


Age groups U9 - U13

FRIDAY 21st FEBRUARY - (Warm up 11.45am, marshalling 12pm, first race 12.15pm)

SATURDAY 22nd FEBRUARY (Warm up 8.50am, marshalling 9.15am, first race 9.30am)

SUNDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 2025 (Warm up 8am, marshalling 8.15am, first race 8.30am)

Program HERE

Registrations - Closed Thursday 6th Feb @9pm

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