Compulsory Swim assessments are coming up for Under 6 - U13 on the following dates.
Swim Assessment 1
Saturday 9th November 2024
12.30 - 2pm
@ Mornington Secondary School Pool (Kiddie Swim)
Swim Assessment 2
Saturday 16th November 2024
12.30 - 2pm
@ Mornington Secondary School Pool (Kiddie Swim)
Mornington Secondary College -
1051 Nepean Hwy, Mornington
(bathers, towel and googles only - no need for nippers gear)
EVERY junior member is required to participate in this evaluation conducted by the club prior to any junior water activity on a Sunday.
You only need to attend 1 session to have your child assessed for the season.
It is an LSV requirement that all nippers do a swim assessment.
This assessment is for age managers to be aware of the abilities of their nippers.
Any NEW members and U6. U7, U8 and Under 9’s MUST attend one of the two swim assessments above.
Exemptions from attending your swim assessment -
Renewing members, U/10 and above, are eligible to be exempt from swim assessments only if they return the attached swim waiver form to be completed by an AUSTSWIM qualified coach.
Simply fill out, screen shot and email to the nipper captain at nippercaptain@morningtonlsc.com.au
If you are unable to get this done you will need to attend one of the sessions.
Jeremy Warner
Nipper Captain
Mornington Life Saving Club