Life Saving at Mornington LSC
Mornington LSC is a member of Life Saving Victoria which is the state level organisation of Surf Life Saving Australia.
As part of this organisation we undertake to patrol our beaches every weekend and public holiday with the exception of Xmas Day from November through to Easter.
All our patrol members are volunteers and as such - we welcome and encourage new members to become patrol members.
All members aged between 13 – 14 years who wish to compete at Junior Carnivals must gain their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) and become active patrolling members of the club. Those members who are aged 15 years and above who wish to compete at carnivals must gain their Bronze Medallion and also become active patrol members.
Of course; we have many active patrolling members who do not compete at carnivals.
Youth / Seniors are classed as U14 and above. The age groups are recognised as follows:
U14 & U15
They can participate in mixed team events at carnivals (ie - 1 x u14 and 2 x u15's).
Main equipment needed for water - Mal paddle board.
U17, U19 & Open
Main equipment needed for water - Mal paddle board and Ski
We have Mal club boards and Club single and double skis available to use for sessions.
Storage is only available for Senior mals and skis - this is due to our confined spaces.
We have a hire board program with board storage available: but spaces are limited. Please reach out to the Senior captain for further information.

Pathways in Life Saving - after Nippers
The NIPPER program is open to all kids
aged 5 to 13.
This is a wonderful program that teaches water safety, being part of a team, surf awareness, making new friends, while having loads of fun.
Any Youth/Senior Member - U14 - Open who is a financial member who would like to train casually, keep fit while making friends and learning new skills.
You are welcome to complete any awards (while still not competing).
You will be required to patrol.
Any Youth/Senior Member - U14 - Open who is a financial member, holds the SRC or Bronze Medallion with the required patrol hours - is able to compete in Seniors competition.
You will be required to patrol.
Any member who is financial for the season, holds their Bronze Medallion, has the required patrol hours - is able to compete in Masters competitions according to age.
You will be required to patrol.